Now accepting expressions of interest at Mount Gambier

Flow Learning

Learning that flows between the indoors and outdoors.
Child experiencing Flow learning with natural resources.

Flow Learning at Beyond

Play enables children to make sense of their world. At Beyond we go beyond a ‘one size fits all’ approach to learning because we know that all children are different not only in their abilities but also their stage of development and their interests. Giving children opportunities to make decisions about what they learn, where they learn and the resources that they need for their learning develops their confidence and independence, enhances engagement and also enables them to develop skills in problem-solving and creative and critical thinking. Engaging children in authentic decision-making opportunities also supports them to grow their social capabilities and social network.

By enabling our children to make choices about where, how and what they learn they are supported to also identify their personal wellbeing needs. Understanding the natural rhythms of their body, and consequently choosing where they need to be at different times of each day, helps them to learn to self-regulate their emotions, which is a key indicator of academic success throughout school and beyond.

Flow learning is enhanced by our intentional teaching programs that focus on developmentally appropriate skills, whether they be social, academic or physical, thus enabling children to develop those skills through their own interests.
Start your Early Learning journey with Beyond.
Join us where learning flows, naturally enhancing the wellbeing of every child.